The OSCAd Manifesto


Let the Open Source Compliance Advisor become the interactive version of the OSLiC for enabling its requestors to use Open Source Software compliantly. Particularly it shall ...

  • support Open Source users to act according to the Open Source License requirements without having to become license experts themselves
  • offer strongly reliable and quickly accessible instructions  (to-do lists) how to fulfill a touched Open Source license


It's better to obtain one reliable way through the jungle of open source licenses than to get lost in search for the best solution


  • Focus on answering the request: As an interactive version of the OSLiC, the OSCAd shall offer the most simple ways to deliver license fulfilling to-do lists as answer to the question: What shall I do for acting in accordance to the licenses of the open source software I want to use?

  • Let the OSLiC do the intellectual work: As an interactive version of the OSLiC, it is not the task of OSCAd to discuss and legitimate the license fulfilling steps. All these details are explained in the PDF version of the OSLiC.

Historical Background:

The OSLiC was presented on the European Legal and Licensing Workshop 2013 in Amsterdam. It was very welcomed. But the very benevolent feedback of this meeting also expressed the need to have an interactive version of the OSLiC instead of being thrown back to the slightly unwieldy pdf version. The OSCAd seizes this idea.