HPOflow Documentation

Tools for Optuna, MLflow and the integration of both.


The main part of this package is the OptunaMLflow class. It is used as a decorator for Optuna objective functions. If it is applied the Optuna Study object is augmented. This augmentation entails writing information to Optuna and MLflow in parallel. Read more on the OptunaMLflow documentation page.


The OptunaMLflowCallback class integrates Optuna and MLflow with Transformers. This is done by using OptunaMLflow internally and the transformers.TrainerCallback to integrate with Transformers. Read more on the OptunaMLflowCallback documentation page.


This is an Optuna Pruner which uses statistical significance as an heuristic for decision-making. It prunes repeated trainings like in a cross validation. As the test method a t-test is used. Read more on the SignificanceRepeatedTrainingPruner documentation page.


HPOflow is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI). It can be installed with pip:

$ pip install hpoflow

Some additional dependencies might be necessary.

To use hpoflow.optuna_mlflow.OptunaMLflow:

$ pip install mlflow GitPython

To use hpoflow.optuna_transformers.OptunaMLflowCallback:

$ pip install mlflow GitPython transformers


Indices and Tables