Source code for mltb2.files

# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Philip May
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Philip May, Deutsche Telekom AG
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT license
# which is available at

"""File utils module.

This module provides utility functions for other modules.

    Use pip to install the necessary dependencies for this module:
    ``pip install mltb2[files]``

import contextlib
import os
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set
from uuid import uuid4

import joblib
from platformdirs import user_data_dir
from sklearn.datasets._base import RemoteFileMetadata, _fetch_remote

[docs]def get_and_create_mltb2_data_dir(mltb2_base_data_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Return and create a data dir for mltb2. The exact directory is given by the ``mltb2_base_data_dir`` as the base folder and then the folder ``mltb2`` is appended. Args: mltb2_base_data_dir: The base data directory. If ``None`` the default user data directory is used. The default user data directory is determined by :func:`platformdirs.user_data_dir`. Returns: The directory path. """ if mltb2_base_data_dir is None: mltb2_data_dir = user_data_dir(appname="mltb2") else: mltb2_data_dir = os.path.join(mltb2_base_data_dir, "mltb2") if not os.path.exists(mltb2_data_dir): os.makedirs(mltb2_data_dir) return mltb2_data_dir
[docs]def fetch_remote_file(dirname, filename, url: str, sha256_checksum: str) -> str: """Fetch a file from a remote URL. Args: dirname: the directory where the file will be saved filename: the filename under which the file will be saved url: the url of the file sha256_checksum: the sha256 checksum of the file Returns: Full path of the created file. Raises: IOError: if the sha256 checksum is wrong """ remote = RemoteFileMetadata(filename=filename, url=url, checksum=sha256_checksum) try: fetch_remote_file_path = _fetch_remote(remote, dirname=dirname) except Exception: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) raise return fetch_remote_file_path
[docs]@dataclass class FileBasedRestartableBatchDataProcessor: """Batch data processor which supports restartability and is backed by files. Args: data: The data to process. batch_size: The batch size. uuid_name: The name of the uuid field in the data. result_dir: The directory where the results are stored. """ data: List[Dict[str, Any]] batch_size: int uuid_name: str result_dir: str _result_dir_path: Path = field(init=False, repr=False) _own_lock_uuids: Set[str] = field(init=False, repr=False, default_factory=set) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Do post init.""" # check that batch size is > 0 if self.batch_size <= 0: raise ValueError("batch_size must be > 0!") if not len( > 0: raise ValueError("data must not be empty!") uuids: Set[str] = set() # check uuid_name for idx, d in enumerate( if self.uuid_name not in d: raise ValueError(f"uuid_name '{self.uuid_name}' not available in data at index {idx}!") uuid = d[self.uuid_name] if not isinstance(uuid, str): raise TypeError(f"uuid '{uuid}' at index {idx} is not a string!") if len(uuid) == 0: raise ValueError(f"uuid '{uuid}' at index {idx} is empty!") uuids.add(uuid) if len(uuids) != len( raise ValueError("uuids are not unique!") # create and check _result_dir_path self._result_dir_path = Path(self.result_dir) self._result_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create directory if not available if not self._result_dir_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Faild to create or find result_dir '{self.result_dir}'!")
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of data records.""" return len(
@staticmethod def _get_uuid_from_filename(filename: str) -> Optional[str]: uuid = None if filename.endswith(".lock"): uuid = filename[: filename.rindex(".lock")] elif filename.endswith(".pkl.gz") and "_" in filename: uuid = filename[: filename.rindex("_")] return uuid def _get_locked_or_done_uuids(self) -> Set[str]: locked_or_done_uuids: Set[str] = set() for child_path in self._result_dir_path.iterdir(): if child_path.is_file(): filename = uuid = FileBasedRestartableBatchDataProcessor._get_uuid_from_filename(filename) if uuid is not None: locked_or_done_uuids.add(uuid) return locked_or_done_uuids def _write_lock_files(self, batch: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: for d in batch: uuid = d[self.uuid_name] (self._result_dir_path / f"{uuid}.lock").touch() self._own_lock_uuids.add(uuid) def _get_remaining_data(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: locked_or_done_uuids: Set[str] = self._get_locked_or_done_uuids() remaining_data = [d for d in if d[self.uuid_name] not in locked_or_done_uuids] return remaining_data
[docs] def read_batch(self) -> Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]: """Read the next batch of data.""" remaining_data: List[Dict[str, Any]] = self._get_remaining_data() # if we think we are done, delete all lock files and check again # this is because lock files might be orphaned if len(remaining_data) == 0: for lock_file_path in self._result_dir_path.glob("*.lock"): lock_file_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) remaining_data = self._get_remaining_data() random.shuffle(remaining_data) next_batch_size = min(self.batch_size, len(remaining_data)) next_batch = remaining_data[:next_batch_size] self._write_lock_files(next_batch) return next_batch
def _save_batch_data(self, batch: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: for d in batch: uuid = d[self.uuid_name] if uuid not in self._own_lock_uuids: raise ValueError(f"uuid '{uuid}' not locked by me!") filename = self._result_dir_path / f"{uuid}_{str(uuid4())}.pkl.gz" # noqa: RUF010 joblib.dump(d, filename, compress=("gzip", 3)) def _remove_lock_files(self, batch: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: for d in batch: uuid = d[self.uuid_name] (self._result_dir_path / f"{uuid}.lock").unlink(missing_ok=True) self._own_lock_uuids.discard(uuid)
[docs] def save_batch(self, batch: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Save the batch of data.""" self._save_batch_data(batch) self._remove_lock_files(batch)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_data(result_dir: str, ignore_load_error: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Load all data. After all data is processed, this method can be used to load all data. As the FileBasedRestartableBatchDataProcessor may be executed several times in parallel, data records may exist in duplicate. These duplicates are removed here. Args: result_dir: The directory where the results are stored. ignore_load_error: Ignore errors when loading the result files. Just print them. """ _result_dir_path = Path(result_dir) if not _result_dir_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Did not find result_dir '{result_dir}'!") data = [] uuids = set() for child_path in _result_dir_path.iterdir(): if child_path.is_file() and".pkl.gz"): uuid = FileBasedRestartableBatchDataProcessor._get_uuid_from_filename( if uuid not in uuids: d = None try: d = joblib.load(child_path) except Exception as e: if ignore_load_error: print(f"Error loading file '{child_path}': {e}") else: raise e # NOQA: TRY201 if d is not None: uuids.add(uuid) data.append(d) return data