# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Philip May
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT license
# which is available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
"""This module offers text specific tools.
It offers the following functionality:
- detect or clean invisible characters
- detect or replace special whitespaces
- remove duplicate whitespaces
- calculate the distance between two texts to find anomalies
import re
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Final, Iterable, Optional, Pattern, Set, Tuple, Union
from scipy.spatial.distance import cityblock
from tqdm import tqdm
INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS: Final[Tuple[str, ...]] = (
"\u200b", # Zero Width Space (ZWSP) https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+200b
"\u00ad", # Soft Hyphen (SHY) https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+00ad
# TODO: what about:
# https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2028
# https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2029
INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS_TRANS: Final[Dict[int, None]] = str.maketrans({char: None for char in INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS})
SPECIAL_WHITESPACES: Final[Tuple[str, ...]] = (
# unicode block "General Punctuation": https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/block/U+2000
"\u2000", # En Quad
"\u2001", # Em Quad
"\u2002", # En Space
"\u2003", # Em Space
"\u2004", # Three-Per-Em Space
"\u2005", # Four-Per-Em Space
"\u2006", # Six-Per-Em Space
"\u2007", # Figure Space https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2007
"\u2008", # Punctuation Space
"\u2009", # Thin Space https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2009
"\u200a", # Hair Space https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+200A
"\u202f", # Narrow No-Break Space (NNBSP) https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+202f
# other unicode blocks
"\u00a0", # No-Break Space (NBSP) https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+00a0
SPECIAL_WHITESPACES_TRANS: Final[Dict[int, str]] = str.maketrans({char: " " for char in SPECIAL_WHITESPACES})
MULTI_SPACE_PATTERN: Pattern = re.compile(r" {2,}")
XML_TAG_PATTERN: Pattern = re.compile(r"<\/?[\w:]+( \/|\/|)>")
[docs]def has_xml_tag(text: str) -> bool:
"""Check if text contains XML tags (one or multiple).
These are some XML tags we detect:
- ``<xml_tag>``
- ``<xml:tag>``
- ``</xml_tag>``
- ``<xml_tag/>``
- ``<xml_tag />``
While we do not detect ``a < b but x > y``.
text: The text to check.
``True`` if the text contains XML tags, ``False`` otherwise.
return re.search(XML_TAG_PATTERN, text) is not None
[docs]def remove_invisible_characters(text: str) -> str:
"""Remove invisible characters from text.
The invisible characters are defined in the constant ``INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS``.
text: The text from which the invisible characters are to be removed.
The cleaned text.
return text.translate(INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS_TRANS)
[docs]def has_invisible_characters(text: str) -> bool:
"""Check if text contains invisible characters.
The invisible characters are defined in the constant ``INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS``.
text: The text to check.
``True`` if the text contains invisible characters, ``False`` otherwise.
return any(char in text for char in INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS)
[docs]def replace_special_whitespaces(text: str) -> str:
"""Replace special whitespaces with normal whitespaces.
The special whitespaces are defined in the constant ``SPECIAL_WHITESPACES``.
text: The text from which the special whitespaces are to be replaced.
The cleaned text.
return text.translate(SPECIAL_WHITESPACES_TRANS)
[docs]def has_special_whitespaces(text: str) -> bool:
"""Check if text contains special whitespaces.
The special whitespaces are defined in the constant ``SPECIAL_WHITESPACES``.
text: The text to check.
``True`` if the text contains special whitespaces, ``False`` otherwise.
return any(char in text for char in SPECIAL_WHITESPACES)
[docs]def replace_multiple_whitespaces(text: str) -> str:
"""Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace.
text: The text from which the multiple whitespaces are to be replaced.
The cleaned text.
return MULTI_SPACE_PATTERN.sub(" ", text)
[docs]def clean_all_invisible_chars_and_whitespaces(text: str) -> str:
"""Clean text form invisible characters and whitespaces.
- Remove invisible characters from text.
- Replace special whitespaces with normal whitespaces.
- Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace.
- Remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
The invisible characters are defined in the constant ``INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS``.
The special whitespaces are defined in the constant ``SPECIAL_WHITESPACES``.
text: The text to clean.
The cleaned text.
text = replace_multiple_whitespaces(text)
text = text.strip()
return text
[docs]def clean_all_invisible_chars_and_strip(text: str) -> str:
"""Clean text form invisible characters and strip the text.
- Remove invisible characters from text.
- Replace special whitespaces with normal whitespaces.
- Remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
The invisible characters are defined in the constant ``INVISIBLE_CHARACTERS``.
The special whitespaces are defined in the constant ``SPECIAL_WHITESPACES``.
text: The text to clean.
The cleaned text.
text = text.strip()
return text
[docs]def _normalize_counter_to_defaultdict(counter: Counter, max_dimensions: int) -> defaultdict:
"""Normalize a counter to to ``max_dimensions``.
The number of dimensions is limited to ``max_dimensions``
of the most commen characters.
The counter values are normalized by deviding them by the total count.
counter: The counter to normalize.
max_dimensions: The maximum number of dimensions to use for the normalization.
Must be greater than 0.
The normalized counter with a maximum of ``max_dimensions`` dimensions.
total_count = sum(counter.values())
normalized_counter = defaultdict(float)
for char, count in counter.most_common(max_dimensions):
normalized_counter[char] = count / total_count
return normalized_counter
class TextDistance:
"""Calculate the distance between two texts.
This class can be used to find texts with anomalies.
For example with HTML markup or other unusual characters.
One text (or multiple texts) must first be fitted with :func:`~TextDistance.fit`.
After that the distance to other given texts can be calculated with :func:`~TextDistance.distance`.
After the distance was calculated the first time, the class can
not be fitted again.
show_progress_bar: Show a progressbar during processing.
max_dimensions: The maximum number of dimensions to use for the distance calculation.
Must be greater than 0.
ValueError: If ``max_dimensions`` is not greater than 0.
show_progress_bar: bool = False
max_dimensions: int = 100
# counter for the text we fit
_char_counter: Optional[Counter] = field(default_factory=Counter, init=False)
# normalized counter for the text we fit - see _normalize_char_counter
_normalized_char_counts: Optional[defaultdict] = field(default=None, init=False)
# set of all counted characters - see _normalize_char_counter
_counted_char_set: Optional[Set[str]] = field(default=None, init=False)
# flag if fit was called
_fit_called: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
# flag if distance was called
_distance_called: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Do post init."""
if not self.max_dimensions > 0:
raise ValueError("'max_dimensions' must be > 0!")
[docs] def fit(self, text: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> None:
"""Fit the text.
This method must be called at least once before :func:`~TextDistance.distance`.
text: The text to fit.
ValueError: If :func:`~TextDistance.fit` is called after
if self._distance_called:
raise ValueError("fit must not be called after distance calculation!")
if isinstance(text, str):
self._char_counter.update(text) # type: ignore[union-attr]
for t in tqdm(text, disable=not self.show_progress_bar):
self._char_counter.update(t) # type: ignore[union-attr]
self._fit_called = True
[docs] def _normalize_char_counter(self) -> None:
"""Normalize the char counter to a defaultdict.
This supports lazy postprocessing of the char counter.
if not self._distance_called:
self._normalized_char_counts = _normalize_counter_to_defaultdict(self._char_counter, self.max_dimensions) # type: ignore[arg-type]
self._char_counter = None
self._counted_char_set = set(self._normalized_char_counts)
self._distance_called = True
[docs] def distance(self, text) -> float:
"""Calculate the distance between the fitted text and the given text.
This implementation uses the Manhattan distance (:func:`scipy.spatial.distance.cityblock`).
The distance is only calculated for ``max_dimensions`` most commen characters.
text: The text to calculate the Manhattan distance to.
The higher this value is, the more the text differs from the fitted text.
if not self._fit_called:
raise ValueError("fit must not be called before distance!")
all_vector = []
text_vector = []
text_count = Counter(text)
text_count_defaultdict = _normalize_counter_to_defaultdict(text_count, self.max_dimensions)
for c in self._counted_char_set.union(text_count_defaultdict): # type: ignore[union-attr]
self._normalized_char_counts[c] # type: ignore[index]
) # if c is not in defaultdict, it will return 0
text_vector.append(text_count_defaultdict[c]) # if c is not in defaultdict, it will return 0
return cityblock(all_vector, text_vector)