
Plot tools module.

This module is based on Matplotlib.


Use pip to install the necessary dependencies for this module: pip install mltb2[plot]

mltb2.plot.boxplot(values, labels=None, title: str | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, ylabel: str | None = None, vert: bool = True)[source]

Prints one or more boxplots in a single diagram.


This function does not use matplotlib.pyplot.plot.

  • values – Values for the boxplot(s).

  • labels – Labels for the boxplot(s).

  • title (str | None) – Title of the plot.

  • xlabel (str | None) – Label for the x-axis.

  • ylabel (str | None) – Label for the y-axis.

  • vert (bool) – If True (default), makes the boxes vertical. If False, makes horizontal boxes.

mltb2.plot.boxplot_dict(values_dict, title: str | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, ylabel: str | None = None, vert: bool = True)[source]

Create boxplot form dictionary.


This function does not use matplotlib.pyplot.plot.

  • values_dict – Dictionary with values for the boxplot(s).

  • title (str | None) – Title of the plot.

  • xlabel (str | None) – Label for the x-axis.

  • ylabel (str | None) – Label for the y-axis.

  • vert (bool) – If True (default), makes the boxes vertical. If False, makes horizontal boxes.


Saves the last plot made by Matplotlib.

For jupyter notebooks this has to be called in the same cell that created the plot.

mltb2.plot.twin_axes_timeseries_plot(values_1, label_1: str, values_2, label_2: str, start_timestep_number: int = 0, shift_1: int = 0, shift_2: int = 0, title: str | None = None, label_x: str = 'Step', color_1: str = 'tab:red', color_2: str = 'tab:blue')[source]

Create twin axes timeseries plot.

Plots two different timeseries curves in one diagram but two different y-axes.


This function does not use matplotlib.pyplot.plot.

  • values_1 – (array_like) Values for the first timeseries curve.

  • label_1 (str) – Label for the first timeseries curve.

  • values_2 – (array_like) Values for the second timeseries curve.

  • label_2 (str) – Label for the second timeseries curve.

  • start_timestep_number (int) – Number for first point in time. Default is 0.

  • shift_1 (int) – Number of timesteps to shift the first timeseries curve. Can be positive or negative. Default is 0.

  • shift_2 (int) – Number of timesteps to shift the second timeseries curve. Can be positive or negative. Default is 0.

  • title (str | None) – Title of the plot.

  • label_x (str) – Label for the x-axis (timeseries axis). Default is ‘Step’.

  • color_1 (str) – Color of first timeseries curve. Default is ‘tab:red’.

  • color_2 (str) – Color of second timeseries curve. Default is ‘tab:blue’.