Installing your own OSCAd instance
For installing an OSCAd instance do:
- Obtain any OSCAd package.
- Extract the tar.gz or zip file inside of your apache http root.
- Change into the directory fileadmin/php/ .
- Open a shell and call php ./prepare-oscad.php .
- Call your webserver url: http.//your-domain/goscad/index.html .
Improving your own OSCAd instance
For modifying your own OSCAd instance do:
- Modify / replace the html, css and/or js files for setting up your request interface.
- Modify fileadmin/php/oscad.php and the fileadmin/php/include-files for improving the model, controler, view based application.
- Modify fileadmin/php/master-files/osuc-master-files/osuc-XYZ-inc-master.php for improving the general open source use case descriptions.
- Modify fileadmin/php/master-files/lsuc-master-files/LICENSE/LICENSE-cXYZ-inc-master.php for improving the license specific use case descriptions.