Installing the OSLiC development environment
For "installing" the OSLiC sources you need to do nothing more than extracting the zip file (if you pressed the zip button on the OSLiC Github frontend) and changing into the working directory. There you will find the following directory structure:
- bibfiles (directory) :- contains the BiBTeX files for managing the secondary literature.
- bin (directory) :- will contain some meta scripts (if necessary later on).
- btexmat (directory) :- contains documents to configure and test the styling of the BibTeX files when they are included into the LaTeX files.
- CHANGES (file) :- documents major development steps.
- extracts (directory) :- contains abstracts and summaries of some of the evaluated secondary literature.
- graphics (directory) :- contains pictures and their eps derivatives being embedded into the LaTeX files.
- Makefile (file) :- is the important compiling tool by which the LaTeX based OSLiC sources can be converted / compiled into dvi-, pdf-, or rtf-files.
- mindmaps (directory) :- contains some tools for organizing the mental work.
- oslic-de.tex (file) :- is the German version of the Open Source License compendium. (Note: the OSLiC will firstly be written in English and later on translated into German.)
- oslic-en.tex (file) :- is the English version of the Open Source License compendium.
- README (file) :- contains the OSLiC definition for Github.
- release.tex (file) :- contains the current release for being included into the LaTex files.
- snippets (directory) :- contains directories and includable LaTeX files for each chapter, section, and part of the OSLiC.
- templates (directory) :- contains some templates.
- tmp (directory) :- is needed by some executing editor.